Bi-Annual Beach Clean Up
March and October
Over the last 15 years, the shellfish industry has expanded, and yet the composition of debris collected during these cleanups remains fairly constant — with debris NOT related to shellfish aquaculture making up 80% of the collection. Of the small amount of shellfish gear recovered, about half is typically returned to shellfish grower’s farms, instead of the landfill. It is one of PCSGA’s primary goals to work with our members to minimize the amount of gear escaping from farms during storm events, and cleanup gear that enters our waterways.

Ecosystems Services
Photo Contest
Help tell the story of Ecosystem Services from shellfish farming with Your Photo! And win $200 cash!
Shellfish culture plays a vital role in providing natural ecosystem services to all living things in our marine environment. Ecosystem services are the beneficial ecological processes or outcomes which result from shellfish farming that we often take for granted.

Nicolas De Witt